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I'm a 22-year-old Australian skin care addict who was on your side of the skin care struggle for too long. I'm sharing all the secrets to easy skin care that actually makes sense, so you don't have to blindly guess what will work for you! Let's make your routine a breeze.

LED Light Therapy – Skin Rehab

LED light therapy
Recently, as part of my skin “rehab” journey to achieve better skin with professional treatments, I learned about and experienced an LED light therapy session for the first time. And I quickly fell in love. LED light therapy is rapidly…

Eliminate Acne Marks & Scars: PIE & PIH

Eliminate acne marks
Acne sucks. Even after the pain of tackling the root of the problem, you can be left with unsightly acne marks and scars. Luckily, there are treatments that can help reduce or even eliminate these issues. Because of the differences between…